Trade Finance
Trade finance is an asset-backed facility designed for growing businesses.
It enables a business to increase its working capital by funding the operational cycle, from the time that payment is made to a supplier until receipt of funds from customers, thereby leaving internal funds free for other – productive – uses, such as sales growth.
Not only does Trade Finance bridge the cash flow gap between the time your supplier requires payment and the time your customers are due to pay you, but it also addresses your need to:
- Grow stock levels to deal with increased sales and business activity
- The opportunity to take advantage of price increases/decreases
- Gain a competitive edge on competitors by executing “real time delivery”
Benefits of stock or trade finance
- Increase in sales and profits
- Purchasing advantages by being able to buy in larger quantities
- A more competitive position for you in the marketplace
- An improved standing with suppliers
- Taking advantage of settlement discounts from suppliers
- Increased sales and continuity of supply
Contact us today and let us evaluate your business for a revolving funding facility that allows you to make advance payments to your suppliers in order to provide you with the funding that you need.